Archive for April 29th, 2009


GIMP is great

Wednesday, 29. April 2009

I’ve seen a lot of weird things in software. The flight emulator in Google Earth. Ego-Shooters in spreadsheet software. Female avatars that help you navigate through websites and that you can convince to undress (but everything is blurred out, so don’t worry). But I was still quite surprised when I saw that GIMP offers a template for toilet paper!

After seeing that, I had to design a few sheets. So, here are my toilet paper designs:

First of all, a sheet in the design of this blog. I just had to do that one. ^^

First of all, a sheet in the design of this blog. I just had to do that one. ^^

After my last post, this was absolutely essential. ;-)

After my last post, this was absolutely essential. 😉

Quoting the lyrics for Malaria, this was one I really liked too.

Quoting the lyrics for Malaria, this was one I really liked too.

For those who want to see the whole lyrics again, here’s a link to Malaria, a parody of Nessaja by Scooter.

Now, I just need a Toilet Paper Printer and I’m set to go (to the toilet)! ^^




I can’t believe I missed this

Wednesday, 29. April 2009

OK, I’ve know that there was a St. Nepomuk for a while. I even knew, that there were statues of him in some places here in Germany. But when I was on my way to university a few days ago, I saw something completely unexpected – there’s a statue of him here in Bonn! Here, have a look:

A statue of St. Nepomuk

A statue of St. Nepomuk

That could be any saint you say? Well, check out the inscription!
There, told you it was St. Nepomuk!

There, told you it was St. Nepomuk!

So there! 😛

It seems, that it was here for nearly 150 years, then had to be removed because of high waters or something and now has been put back after two years. Now, as I haven’t lived here for two years yet, I never knew. But not only is there a statue, they even named the square that the statue’s on after him! Here, check it out:

The Nepomuk Square in Bonn

The Nepomuk Square in Bonn

For those of you who can’t read German, the sign reads: “St. John of Nepomuk, born around 1350, murdered in Prag 1393, Patron (16th of May) of ships, bridges and the confessional secret.”

So, when did this happen? I had a look online and found that this is only about a month old – on the 28th of march there was a procession bringing that statue to where it stands now. I was on holiday at my parents place until about the middle of April, so I never knew. What a shame. It would have been great to be Nepomuk at a Nepomuk-procession, don’t you think? ^^

Anyway, now I pass Nepomuk-Square every morning so I have something to smile about. It’s all about me. Jup. That square was named after me. I’m sure, if I just believe it enough, it will become true. 😉

